Rauci Designs - Copywriting Services It may come as a surprise, but your clients actually use their brain Your publications, no matter what media, should reflect the same standards you would apply to the services you provide to your clients. Your clients (or prospective clients) are intelligent enough to make choices between you and your competitors. Poorly written or organised company publications can be the difference between someone using your services or not.
Rauci's writing services include:
Rauci works with creative groups, agencies, graphic designers and web-solutions developers as well as direct with clients. Job sizes range from minor proofing to researching, collating and writing full website copy.
Rauci loves deadlines, so if you need rush jobs done on short notice, Rauci will try to accommodate. Rauci's rates depend on the type of job, media, exposure and level of background research requried. Contact Rauci to discuss your requirements >>> | home | | contact | | copywriting | | editorial concepts | | product concepts | | about | © Ross de Kretser 2004, |